Welcome to AlohaFuels
Our mission: Help Hawaii to become self-sustaining
on energy, fuel and food
Our goals: 1. Secure clean, safe, renewable and affordable
solar electric energy for everyone
2. Facilitate grid-distributed electricity rates
in Hawaii to drop to 20 cents / kWh and
3. Assist with the development of renewable
fuels and fertilizers:
i. Convert water to hydrogen (H2)
ii. H2 and CO2 to gasoline or aviation fuel (CH2)*
iii. H2 and N2 to ammonia (NH3)
* Produce renewable gasoline in Hawaii,
from CO2 and water captured from air,
for 3 (2011) $/GGE** wholesale before
taxes, or ~4 $/GGE** retail after taxes,
independent on World crude oil prices,
with a ~ 20 MGGE/y** plant, sized for
economic viability on the Big Island,
to replace part of the present con-
sumption of 30 Mgal/y jet fuel and/or
120 Mgal/y of gasoline.
** Million Gallons of Gasoline Equivalent per year
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